Sleeping well is the easiest way to look and feel better, but it can often be a challenge to find the kind of mind/body balance that allows for great rest. Stress, anxiety, physical health problems, and depression can all play a role in both the quality and quantity...
When it comes to losing pounds or maintaining a healthy weight, what works for one person may not be effective for another. This is especially true for men and women. Not only will different weight-loss strategies impact men and women differently, but the way they...
This past weekend I had taken my daughter along with my two nieces out for lunch. They were all having a great time drawing, laughing and saying plenty of ahhs and oohs to the fish tank in the restaurant that we were at. I surely had my hands full with a 4 year old, a...
A few weeks ago, I woke up with the idea of doing a service project. There are two projects that I have been brainstorming and which I want to develop. The first, is for patients who struggle with drug addiction and the other is to find a way to help patients who are...
Do you know that which sits in the past unresolved affects your life? Have you experienced a very painful or traumatic event in your life? Have you dealt with the distress of this experience or have you instead pushed this event down into your subconscious to repress...