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Hypnotherapy also known as “Hypnosis” is an alternative medicine where a therapist uses guided relaxation and guided imagery in order to reach a state of awareness that is called “trance”. Hypnotherapy allows an individual to explore feelings and past memories through a hypnotic state, although the participant is always in control. Hypnosis is not a dangerous process, no therapist can brainwashed or mind controlled you.

Hypnosis enables the patients to shift their perspective of different issues that could be affecting them, such as blocking an awareness of pain, letting go of a phobia, a destructive behavior or patterns.

There are two methods that can be used for Hypnotherapy:

1-Suggestion Therapy: Patients are able to respond better to a series of suggestions when they’re in a hypnotic state making it useful to change their behaviors helping conditions such as smoke sensation or to shift their perception of pain.

2-Analysis: It uses the relaxed state of an individual in order to explore the Psychological root cause of a disorder or symptom or past traumatic event that is hidden under their unconscious memory.

The two different Hypnotherapy methods that are mentioned above, can help overcome bad habits as mentioned before such as overeating or smoking. It can also help improve the the following conditions:

Phobias or Fears
Grief or Loss
Post-trauma Anxiety
Sleep Disorders

These benefits are possible since achieving a hypnotic state allows the person to be open to suggestions and behaviors modifications.


If you want to try give this amazing therapy a try, gives us a call at (305)-389-1768 and let us help you conquer what’s been afflicting you.