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Have you experienced Acupuncture yet?!

Acupuncture originated in China & its roots go back to traditional Chinese medicine. Acupuncture is now globally known as a trusted & effective complementary treatment.

Acupuncture is an alternative therapy where the practitioners can chose to follow a combination of the 2,000 acupuncture points that are connected by meridians throughout the body. These meridians create an energy flow called Qi. The Chee (Qi) is believed to be responsible for health thus disruption of this energy flow can lead to disease.

Acupuncture works through the insertion of needles into the body. This step stimulates sensory nerves in the skin and muscles as well as it can open the flow in different meridians. When applying acupuncture to different points, it can lead to improving the flow of Qi thereby improving health.


if you are ready to experience this wonderful modality gives us a call & we’ll be happy to help you along. Call us to book your appointment: 305-389-1768