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Have you been struggling with sleep and can not seem to find a cure? Has work and daily life become so monotonous that you don’t have time for yourself? Have you been needing a well deserved self care day? Maybe it’s your time to try Sound Bowl Healing.

 A singing bowl is a type of bell that vibrates and produces a rich, deep tone when played.  In addition, some wellness practitioners (including music therapists, massage therapists, and yoga therapists) use Tibetan singing bowls during treatment. 

What does a singing bowl do? 

  • The vibrations that the bowls produce may affect the mind and body.
  • The sounds the bowls create may impact brain waves in order to induce relaxation.
  • They may induce the same psychological effects and benefits as listening to music.

benefits include improving sleep, reducing depression, relieving pain, and increasing immunity. However, current evidence cannot substantiate these benefits. While there appear to be some positive effects, more research is needed to determine how and when singing bowls are best utilized. 

Sound therapy is one of the quickest and most effective ways to restore harmony and to relax. Any kind of music can be therapeutic, however the gong has the most powerful energy. Sound has been used as a tool to awaken deep states of consciousness, to expand consciousness and to correct energetic imbalances.


Here at minsu healing oasis, we offer a session of Healing Circle, every other Monday at 6:30 PM. We do guided meditation and sound healing with crystal bowls and set up the perfect mood for a relaxing moment of sound therapy.

Call us at (305)-389-1768 for more details, get ready to start a new journey of healing.